主後2024年 04月 16日 星期二




我們信上帝,創造、統治人與萬物的獨一真神。祂是歷史與世界的主,施行 審判和拯救。祂的兒子,從聖靈投胎,由童貞女馬利亞降生為人,成為我們的弟兄,就是人類的救主耶穌基督,藉著祂的受苦、釘十字架死、復活,彰顯了上帝的仁 愛與公義,使我們與上帝復和。祂的靈,就是聖靈,住在我們中間,賜能力,使我們在萬民中做見證,直到主再來。




我們信,上帝賜給人有尊嚴、才能,以及鄉土,使人有份於祂的創造,負責 任與祂一起管理世界。因此,人有社會、政治及經濟的制度,也有文藝、科學,且有追求真神的心。但是人有罪,誤用這些恩賜,破壞人、萬物、與上帝的關係。所 以,人當倚靠耶穌基督的救恩。祂要使人從罪惡中得釋放,使受壓制的人得自由、平等,在基督裡成為新創造的人,使世界成為祂的國度,充滿公義、平安與喜樂。

We believe in God, the only true God, the Creator and Ruler of human beings and all things. He is the Lord of history and of the world. He judges and saves. His Son Jesus Christ, the Saviour of humankind, was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born a man of the Virgin Mary and became our brother. Through His suffering, crucifixion, death and resurrection He manifested God’s love and justice, and through Him we are reconciled to God. His Spirit, which is the Holy Spirit, dwells among us, and grants us power, so that we may bear witness among all peoples until the Lord comes again.

We believe that the Bible is revealed by God, the record of His redemption and the norm of our faith and life.

We believe that the Church is the fellowship of God’s people, called to proclaim the salvation of Jesus Christ and to be ambassador of reconciliation. It is both universal and rooted in this land, identifying with all its inhabitants, and through love and suffering becoming the sign of hope. We believe that through the grace of God, human beings are brought to repentance, their sin forgiven, that they may glorify God through lives of devotion, love and dedication.

We believe that God has given human beings dignity, talents and a homeland, so that they may share in God’s creation, and have responsibility with Him for taking care of the world. Therefore, they have social, political and economic systems, arts and sciences, and a spirit which seeks after the true God. But human beings have sinned, and they misuse these gifts, destroying the relationship between themselves, all creatures, and God.

Therefore, they must depend on the saving grace of Jesus Christ. He will deliver humankind from sin, will set the oppressed free and make them equal, that all may become new creatures in Christ, and the world His Kingdom, full of justice, peace and joy.

This translation, based on the original Romanized Taiwanese text authorized by the 32nd General Assembly, was officially adopted by the General Assembly Faith and Order Committee on10 January 1986.

阮信上帝,創造、統治人與萬物的獨一真神。祂是歷史與世界的主,施行審 判和拯救。祂的子對聖神投胎,對在室女馬利亞出世做人,做咱的兄弟,就是人類的救主耶穌基督,對祂的受苦、釘十字架死、復活,顯明上帝的仁愛與公義,使咱 與上帝復和。祂的神,就是聖神,站在咱中間,賞賜氣力,使阮在萬百姓中做見證,直到主復來。



阮信,上帝使人有尊嚴、才能,以及鄉土,來有份於祂的創造,負責任和祂 相與管理世界。對如此,人有社會、政治及經濟的制度,也有文藝、科學,復有追求真神的心。總是人有罪,誤用這些恩賜,破壞人、萬物、與上帝的關係。所以, 人著倚靠耶穌基督的救恩。祂要使人對罪惡中得著釋放,使受壓制的得著自由、平等,在基督成做新創造的人,使世界成做祂的國,充滿公義、平安與歡喜。
